“Nice to meet you. Jack.”
“Of course, I mean it. Come on, give me a hug.”
“Wish you good luck. Bye then.”
“You know what? When I first met you outside the classroom, it just comes two words in my mind.”
“I don’t know. What?”
“Ohhhh, myyyy.”
“Shut up~~~Quit yankeeing me.”
“Oh, please, I am not done yet~ I dreamed to have a girlfriend who can play basketball with me. I don’t have to call my friends then. Huh, big girl, how tall are you?”
“Six feet.”
“Exactly? The same as Allen, cool huh?”
“You like Iverson? I like Jordan.”
“I’m a sports fan, remember? I used to be an athlete.”
“OK, OK, and you are music fan! Can you play any instrument?”
“I used to play the drums in an orchestra.”
“Drums?!! Oh come on, I don’t like you anymore~! It’s so unfair!!”
“Hey, if it can make you feel any better, I’m also a Jamie fan.”
“Ha, really?”
“Can I walk you to the hotel? Anyhow Levi invited me to watch the football match tonight.”
“OK, Miss Psychology(我知道她是学心理学的), what am I thinking?”
“……I can’t tell.”
“I think, you are the most beautiful white girl I’ve ever seen in real life. And when I say it, I mean it.”
“You make me feel uncomfortable……”
“No, please not. I’m telling you. It’s true. I mean, in real life, not in TV or movie. And…and, I mean among white girls, you know, since different races of people cannot appreciate the beauty of each other. And… and anyway I can’t see white girls very often… ”
“Hey Jack! The match is about to start! Come on!”
这场一点都不浪漫的对话就以这种方式结束了。在宾馆走廊的另外一头,Levi喊我去他的房间看中国对乌兹别克斯坦队在亚洲杯上的最后一场小组赛,我逃也似的跑去了。我其实是很腼腆的人,跟身边的女孩儿开玩笑,打情骂俏,没问题。来真的,freak me out. 那场比赛中国队以零比三惨败,同一晚输的一塌糊涂的还有我。
之后的几天里她就开始有意识的躲着我了。之后一天下午打完球之后跟所有人都握手了,除了我。我仿佛就回到了初中时候那个青涩的年代,心里盘算着对方的阴谋诡计。跟我玩儿hard to catch? 还是真的不好意思?我多年来总是认为中西文化差异很大,如果我在大街上向一位不曾相识的女士搭讪并夸奖她,”You are so beautiful.” 对方的回答是,”Thank you.” 同样的情况在中国,她会说,”Fuck you.” 但同样的人类,情感上的差距真的有这么大吗?
“You made me very nervous that night. I thought you want me to be your girlfriend.” 事后她不无尴尬的笑着说。
“Maybe I was too serious. You see, that’s the problem. Maybe I should make it sounds casual. Or I could say, although you are so beautiful, I am just telling an objective fact, and I don’t ask for more. But it sounds so stupid right?”我终于用这种开玩笑的口吻把她逗乐了。
她的生日是在第三个周的周三,临近离开烟台的日子。可我参加的奥运之星英语大赛的决赛正好是同一天,我只好踏上去济南的火车。第一晚的dance night后我们在BBQ闲聊的时候我就知道了她的生日是八月一日。从那开始我就开始盘算着送什么好,因为这个生日对美国人很重要。
“Are you younger than me? or older?
“In which year were you born?”
“1984, you?”
“Then you are older. I’m two years younger than you.”
“Really? You are younger than you look like. Oh wait! This birthday is very important to you! You’ll be an adult legally then! Haha, kid, what do you want?”
“You are such a liar Jamie. You are not a good basketball player.”
“Why is that?”
“You are an excellent basketball player.”
“Haha, thank you.”
“So…how was the birthday party?”
“Oh, it was great, you should have been there.”
“I think so, I wish I could sing the birthday song to you. You are a big girl now. I cannot call you kid any more I think. Haha. Eh… You know, it’s still the night of August 1st according to the Mississippi time. Techniquely, it is still your birthday now. So , happy birthday to you.”
“Oh, yes you are right, thank you.”
“Do you have any reason to reject a birthday gift?”
“I won’t!!”
“OK then…Take a look at this. Don’t be nervous, it’s not a diamond.”
”It’s not new, I just picked them up from my bookshelf. I thought you would like it.”
“I do!! Now it’s all your fault. I have to go to all these places where those pictures were taken. Coz they are amazing, and you should be responsible for that! Look, where is this?”
“It’s the Hukou fall along the Yellow River.”
“Woah, beautiful as the Niagra Falls!!”
Thank God Almighty, 这次我表现的很自然。
“I am so clear in mind that nothing is gonna be changed.”
“Life will still move on. Good luck.”