


第九版:Olympic torch relay money better spent elsewhere, by Sylvia Nicholles

“I am tired of out government telling uas there is no money for healthcare and education while shelling out for a spectacle such as the Olympic torch relay”,作为一个世界上社会公共福利最好的、国家财政性教育经费占GDP比值连年高居在百分之三左右的国家的公民,我有资格严重鄙视你。

“but the Vancouver Olympic Games are something my generation is going to be paying off for a long time. And not only in monetary costs, but in social costs as well.” (温哥华冬奥会的开销是我们这代人在将来很长一段时间内要偿还的,而且这钟代价不仅是经济上的,同时还有社会代价。) 祖国需要你,你怎么可以说不!

第六版: Let’s play cops and zombies: protest takes over torch relay, by Bronwyn Lawrie and Kat Eschner

“The Zombie March, organized by No-2010 Victoria, took almost five hours…It disrupted the torch route in several places near the downtown.”这儿的警察都是吃屎长大的?

“We’re not hearing about the people on the streets, we’re not hearing about the people who have been affected due to gentrification(中产阶级化), we’re not hearing so many of the marginalized stories(被边缘化的故事).” 摊手,我只能为那一对奥运期间因上访被判监禁的七旬北京老人默哀三秒钟了。

“to protest the Olypics, which they called an abuse of public money and public rights.”才花几个臭钱啊就穷叽歪?权力,权力,你们只知道权力。这么个烂政府早晚要被这些刁民给整垮。


Nov.9th, 2009

